Have you ever experienced...
Feeling like you're lacking the time, ideas, and energy to improve yourself, those around you, or your business?
Not being able to prioritize your own goals because other people's priorities are taking over your schedule?
Losing motivation and feeling uninspired?
Dreading going to work or your workplace?
Feeling like you're working hard but not making any progress?
Saying "yes" more than "no" is actually making things worse, but you can't seem to stop?
Feeling overwhelmed by the problems, challenges, or crises that come your way?
This isn't what you had envisioned for yourself?
Finding it difficult to separate your work life from your personal life?
Wondering how you got to this point?

Tune in to the maverick mindset Podcast
Can you truly be authentic, different and unconventional and succeed at life, work and leadership?
As a ginger, punk-inspired Maverick, I’ve had a blast doing all three.
Having recently given up my corporate career, I’ve founded two businesses, I am coaching leaders and mentoring young founders, as well as helping everyone connect with their own best skillset.
I am learning even more about life and work in the 2020s.
So, if you’ve ever wanted to be different and didn’t know where to start, join me here for regular musings on a podcast, with attitude: “What Makes a Maverick”